walgreens weekly ad green bay wi Most stores are fairly competitive within their pricing. Some things could cost more at one store but other items will surely cost less and it will all balance out. Occasionally you may find a store that just has higher prices altogether. Only you are able to determine if shopping at that store is worth it for your requirements as a result of other reasons. If you're smart about the usage of your coupons you may well be able to save money wherever you choose to shop!
Learn to select your coupons wisely. Coupons is found almost everywhere and for almost everything but its not all coupon can save you money. In the event that you did not anticipate purchasing the product anyway, then using that coupon doesn't really help you save hardly any money but it just eventually ends up costing you more on your weekly shopping trip.
Plan your menus, create a shopping list and stick to it and combine your grocery coupons with sales and in-house specials and you find yourself saving money. With some strategic planning it could even be as high as 50% or maybe more!
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